Your data safety is our top priority. Here’s a quick summary of what Naturellement Luxe does to make sure your data is protected.
All Naturellement Luxe accounts are protected by SSL encryption, a security system that is also used in the financial world. SSL encryption is used for both internal and external connections. This way, sensitive information will never be sent or received as readable text. By using a fairly sophisticated security system, Naturellement luxe ensures that the data of different customers will always be kept separate, without any exceptions.
Naturellement Luxe uses FlexyBeauty, esoftware, in SaaS ( Software as a Service), to manage the data of its users. It provides secure, redundant management and backup of your critical data at the OVH host (leader in Europe and recognized for their secure processes). In addition, in the event of a hardware failure of one of the servers, the remaining server(s) ensure continuity of service, which means that Naturellement Luxe will always remain accessible online. We guarantee both availability and continuity of our qualifying service.
Data protection is of great importance to us. That is why we keep all data on servers based in France. It is therefore the french data protection law that applies. OVH data centers are located in at least 3 geographically different locations, but data and backups are only stored in France.
Our two providers OVH and FlexyBeauty are fully compliant with all French and EU data protection laws, as well as the new finance law standards.
Online payment via our service provider Flexybeauty scrupulously respects the latest french standards, in particular SSL encryption materialized by an https: // address and not https: //.
We use an approved TPE (Payment Terminal) which sends the collected data by a strong encrypted stream. Naturellement Luxe calls on the service provider Espace monétique, leader of the french market.
The entire fleet of CB terminals conforms to functional and security specifications issued by the Groupement of bank card BC and grouped together in a manual, called “CB5 reference manual” for use in particular by developers of terminal software applications. This manual, written by the Groupement of bank card “BC3, includes, based on the EMV standard, the specifications of the BC payment application and the communication protocols between the terminal and the acquiring server (CB2A)
During a transaction, the terminal performs various checks ( card technology, currency code, etc) and then authenticates the application resident in the card. The verification of the PIN code makes it possible to authenticate, according to various methods, the cardholder. Finally, the terminal verifies the various parameters set by the acquiring bank (transaction amount, etc). According to the conditions set by contract with its merchant customer, to decide whether to continue the transaction offline or to request an authorization. If online authorization is required, the card generates a cryptogram which is transmitted without verification by the terminal to the acquirer’s server and then to the issuer through the “ERSBS” network. The sender’s response, in the form of another cryptogram, is transmitted to the terminal and then to the card, which verifies it.
At the authorization’s end, or when no authorization has been requested, the card generates a transaction cryptogram, which will be stored by the terminal. At the end of each day, the terminal will deliver all transactions to the purchaser: this is the remote collection phase.
Authorization requests are thus protected by variable cryptograms generated by the card, transmitted and received without interpretation by the terminal and verifiable by the authorization server of the issuing bank. The bank can therefore ensure that its card is present in the terminal and that it is a transaction initiated by means of it.
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OVH – 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.
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